Religulous earlier this evening, and i suggest you do the same whenever you get the chance. it's an interesting film dealing with religion and how it is constantly propelling the world to the end of days. something i've been saying for years.
the movie touches on a rather wide topic area regarding religion, not just how these closed minded individuals have found a way to take control of nearly everything in the world. at times it's a rather frightening thought that the people running the major countries of the world are blindly following various religions with little to no physical evidence proving their beliefs. their reasons for belief all come down to a single word: faith. "you must simply have faith," a great deal of them say without attempting to back up the statement with valid reasons for putting your faith in an invisible force that resides somewhere above the clouds. that isn't a simple thing for me to do. it is the very definition of absurdity, and while watching the film you can't help but feel like the people on screen are actors saying lines children wrote in response to the questions bill maher is asking. but they aren't. they are senators, millionaire evangelical preachers, actors portraying jesus, and simple american citizens on vacation in a christian themed amusement park (
the holy land experience, a twenty-five minute drive from my home).
i can't help but fall back to the concept of religious individuals being of a child-like mindset. it seems awful to say, but think about it for a moment. it's a tenant of the christian faith that any person is capable of speaking to and being heard by God. i accept that. now, santa claus. he travels around the entire world in a single night, visiting every home to slide down their chimney in order to lay out presents. i don't accept that. after we get to a certain age we learn this is false, a simple child's fantasy story to make an evening magical for twelve or so years. the concept of a man traveling all over the world and delivering presents to every child becomes absurd. yet, God, described as being manlike (considering man is made in his image, we're lead to assume God takes the near same form as humans, though he is obviously capable of greater feats.) is able to hear every person on earth speaking to him simutaneously? even for an omnipotent being that seems somehow impossible. that is 6,706,993,152 voices in His head at once. why is the notion of santa claus so far fetched in comparison to this? bill maher uses this example in the movie and none of the interviewees seem to have a response other than dagger eyes.
seems like a simple question to me.
my biggest issue with religions is their inability to accept people unlike them. it baffles me when the ideology of peace, love, and acceptance of all mankind preached by jesus christ (one of the big names in christianity, if you weren't aware) isn't practiced by those supposedly following his teachings.
it bothers me when a religious fanatic glares at me with disdain because of my appearance when i'm out in public. i'm used to being stared at for various reasons (apparently there aren't many wheelchair bound tattooed individuals in the world), and i'm keenly aware of the different types of stares a person can send your way. curious, confused, shocked, even disgust and hatred; you can see it in the eyes and the way they move their mouth while they watch you. it unnerves me to a degree, i can't imagine anyone would find any of my visible tattoo's that insulting, so it has only to do with the fact that they are present. this level of judgment based on physical appearance is pathetic, yet we find these are the people leading our nation in a variety of different ways. they are our religious leaders, our politicians, our teachers, our mothers and fathers, grand-mothers and grand-fathers, they are our bosses and oddly enough sometimes it's the janitors. they are everywhere, around every corner, casting judgment based on skin color (hoho! a twist on the old).
anyway, here we are, amidst the self fulfilling prophecies of our holy leaders.
personally, i can't wait for Armageddon. it'll be god-damn interesting. get it?
godspeed to all you're after. is this a life left just to remember?